Training Journal: Classes with Judith Leibowitz #15

February 2, 1978

July 8 21 ACAT blog image.jpg

Beginning work on moving a head. Uncommitted hands on an uncommitted head.

Important to put hands on sensitive bodies in order to get valid feedback.

Importance of staying in the moment.

“Checking back oneself” to see if right, for example: staying in the past.

Alexander directions are means for staying in the moment.


Idelle Packer, MS, PT, mAmSAT, certified teacher of the Alexander Technique, has been creatively exploring its broad application for over 35 years. In her private practice, Body Sense, in Asheville, NC, she teaches the Alexander Technique in context of physical therapy assessment and rehabilitation. She authored the chapter on the Alexander Technique in Springer Publishers’ Encyclopedia of Complementary Health Practices (1999). Her current passion is Contact Improvisation, a somatic and athletic improvisation form, to which she has been joyfully integrating the principles of the Technique over the past fifteen years.