The American Center for the Alexander Technique ran the preeminent training facility for people wishing to become instructors of a long-standing, proven and rewarding tradition that promotes well-being and vitality from 1967 to 2018.

Founded in 1964, ACAT was a world-class institute built on the teachings of F.M. Alexander. From 1967 to 2018, ACAT ran the first and most prestigious Teacher Certification Program in the United States, training over 300 individuals, more than a third of the country’s Alexander teachers.

As leaders in the wellness community, ACAT graduates and teaching members offers classes and workshops to members of the general public who are seeking pain reduction, postural improvement, and a safe space for self-reflection and growth.

All are welcome to experience the wonder of the Alexander Technique.

Try Alexander at home with Self Lesson on the Floor – a digital download exclusively available from ACAT featuring the practices of ACAT founder Judith Leibowitz.

Useful Resources About the Alexander Technique